
7*24 hour customer service Hotline

86 13923618305
7*24 hour customer service Hotline

7*24 hour customer service Hotline


劳小姐 劳小姐

Huizhou Huixinlong Coating Equipment Co.,Ltd.

Fully provide professional services for the smart coating industry


Spindle Dust - free Automatic Coating Epuipment For Hardware

Working principle: When the workpiece is sprayed in the spray booth, the super-sprayed paint is sucked away by the large-volume fan. When the specially designed recycling device and filtration system are used, the powder paint mixed in the air is separated and filtered. Effectively recycle paint and purify the air.

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  • Working principle: When the workpiece is sprayed in the spray booth, the super-sprayed paint is sucked away by the large-volume fan. When the specially designed recycling device and filtration system are used, thepowder paint mixed in the air is separated and filtered. Effectively recycle paint and purify the air.

  • Working principle: When the workpiece is sprayed in the spray booth, the super-sprayed paint is sucked away by the large-volume fan. When the specially designed recycling device and filtration system are used, the powder paint mixed in the air is separated and filtered. Effectively recycle paint and purify the air.

  • Working principle: When the workpiece is sprayed in the spray booth, the super-sprayed paint is sucked away by the large-volume fan. When the specially designed recycling device and filtration system are used, the powder paint mixed in the air is separated and filtered. Effectively recycle paint and purify the air.

  • Working principle: When the workpiece is sprayed in the spray booth, the super-sprayed paint is sucked away by the large-volume fan. When the specially designed recycling device and filtration system are used, thepowder paint mixed in the air is separated and filtered. Effectively recycle paint and purify the air.


Tel:(+86)0752-2099872 (+86)13923618305(Croesus Lo) (+86)13923615305(Houq.Lian) (+86)13923616305(Mr.Lian)

E-mall: (Croesus.Lo)

Adress:Hebei Industrial Zone,Jinxing Village,Tongqiao Town,Zhongkai High-Tech Zone,Huizhou City.

(c) Copyright Huizhou Huixinlong Coating Equipment Co.,Ltd. 粤ICP备15029055号